Accelerate Your Startups’ Success in California with VINE VIP-C

What is The VINE VIP-C Program?

The VINE VIP-C is dedicated to helping European corporate accelerators validate their startups’ technologies in California by setting up field trials. Our program offers a paid service that connects your startups with our extensive network, resources, and expertise to ensure successful validation and market entry.

Why Choose The VINE VIP-C?

Access to California Market

California is a hub of agricultural innovation and offers immense market potential for agri-tech startups. Our program provides the opportunity to validate and launch technology of interest in this thriving ecosystem.

Field Trial Expertise

We specialize in setting up field trials, allowing you to test and fine-tune your technologies in real-world agricultural settings. Our experienced team ensures seamless trial execution and data collection.

Industry Connections

Through our established network of farmers, industry experts, and stakeholders, we facilitate valuable connections for you. These connections open doors to potential customers, partners, and investors in California.

Paid Service Offering

Our corporate program operates on a paid service model, ensuring that you receive dedicated support and resources to accelerate your validation process and maximize your chances of success.

How Does it Work?


Collaboration Initiation

We establish a partnership with your corporate accelerator to understand your startups’ technologies, goals, and specific validation requirements.

Needs Assessment

We work closely with you to identify the target agricultural sectors, trial locations, and other relevant parameters to ensure the best fit for your startups’ technologies.

Startup Selection

Startups undergo scientific validation or field trials, depending on their stage and technology readiness level (TRL).

Trial Design
and Execution

Our expert team designs customized field trial plans tailored to each startup’s technology. We handle trial logistics, data collection, and analysis to provide comprehensive validation results.

Market Entry Support

Once the field trials are successfully completed, we assist your startups in navigating the California market, connecting them with potential customers, partners, and investors to support their commercialization efforts.

Ongoing Collaboration

Our partnership is not limited to a single trial. We strive to establish a long-term relationship with your corporate accelerator, enabling continuous support and future opportunities for your startups.